queue thread

英 [kjuː θred] 美 [kjuː θred]




  1. When a client becomes available on the request queue, it is immediately consumed by the first waiting thread blocked on the remove() method.
  2. In a blocking queue, only the reader thread needs to wait when there is no data in the queue.
  3. The queue is then read by a thread pool, which acquires the measurement and completes the trace process.
  4. In a bounded blocking queue, the writer thread also needs to wait if the queue is full.
  5. WebSphere Application Server for z/ OS combines a work queue mechanism with the thread pool to serve the client requests.
  6. Likewise, if the queue is empty, the reader thread would wait on the_rcond variable, and a writer thread sends a broadcast to all threads waiting on_rcond after inserting data into the queue.
  7. Likewise, any attempt to insert an item into a queue that is full will block the calling thread until space becomes available in the queue's storage.
  8. The audit maximum incoming queue depth shows how many measurement objects were waiting on the queue to be processed by the audit thread at any one time.
  9. A run queue is a list of runnable threads, sorted by thread priority value.
  10. If the first of these fails, then the queue state is unchanged, and the inserting thread retries until it succeeds.
  11. If the queue is full, the writer thread waits on the_wcond condition variable; the reader thread will need a notification to all threads after consuming data from the queue.
  12. Each CPU on a system has its own dedicated run queue, which is a list of runnable threads sorted by thread priority value.
  13. In the run method of this class, grab the Web page, chunk, from off of the queue in each thread, and then process this chunk with Beautiful Soup.
  14. Instead of adding and removing elements from the queue immediately, the thread performing the operation blocks until space or an element is available.
  15. The producer adding an element to the queue will wait for a consumer in another thread.
  16. Pull one item out of the queue at a time, and use that data inside of the thread, the run method, to do the work.
  17. In looking at the code, you can see that we added another instance of a queue, and then passed that queue into the first thread pool class, ThreadURL.
  18. Fork/ join addresses the issue of queue contention by having one work queue per thread.
  19. Instead of throwing an exception when the queue is empty, the reader thread now blocks itself on the condition variable.
  20. Few developers use SynchronousQueue directly, but it is used as the work queue for thread pools constructed with the Executors. newCachedThreadPool() factory.
  21. Looking down, however, what did he see but an endless queue of sinners, intently following him up the thread like a line of ants!
  22. It is the responsibility of the thread releasing the resource to awake the first thread on the queue, change the head of the queue, and put the thread on the ready queue.
  23. In multiple-threaded dispatching model, the thread fetching the events from the queue launches another thread called task thread, and hand the event over to it for processing.
  24. In single-threaded dispatching model, an event is pumped from the queue and processed in the same thread immediately.
  25. CNS server engine, frame system, buffer queue, monitor thread.
  26. QR-Linux was implemented by modify Linux kernel 2.6.11, mainly solved three significant problems: the division of real-time and non-real-time data packets, the implementation of real-time work queue and the use of worker thread of network receiving.
  27. The server is based on a bounded queue, and has a single worker thread running in a block mode and runs as if in event driven mechanism.
  28. And the data verification module in the task queue management and thread pool management of the design ideas.
  29. The mechanism of the task handling used on the message queue and thread pool, in driven service, I design two threads to deal with the task circularly, and it greatly shortened the processing time for the task.
  30. In connection level parallelization, we use the lock-free algorithm to cancel the coupling of the head pointer and the tail pointer. This optimization lowers the cost of the queue operation, and reduces the cost of thread blocking.